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Category: Craftspiration

Summer Sun + Ocean Blue | katili*made |

I’m so happy, I finally caught a swap signup while it was still open! I wanted to be sure my partner was able to get more information about what I put in my mosaic, so I figured I’d make a blog post with proper links to the sources since Instagram is a bit limited.

Fat Quarters | katili*made |

Happy Monday! I was feeling totally uninspired yesterday when I wanted to get some sewing done, so I did what any good crafter would do… I went to the fabric store! It’s almost embarrassing how much fabric I came home with considering I only wanted to make a set of


I’m not really much of a Halloween celebrator, but I really love a lot of the decorations. Cute little skeletons, zombie anythings, pumpkins and bats are all awesome! So I’ve been browsing, looking to see what people have been making. There’s all kinds of cute stuff!

Follow @katilimade